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 Posted by service on 2015/9/2 11:20:00 (3905 reads)

為因應老茶廠網站系統升級, 故今日9/2(三), 晚上七點至晚上十二點, 網站將關閉維護.
造成您的不便, 敬請見諒.

Posted by service on 2015/8/10 17:30:00 (3516 reads)

因有消費者來信反映, 無法在線上購物網查詢到老茶廠匯款資料, 系統現已改善並於「購物流程說明」加註了匯款資訊, 非常謝謝您們的建議喔!


Posted by service on 2015/7/8 11:50:00 (3104 reads)


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Posted by service on 2015/4/21 14:30:00 (3209 reads)

大溪老茶廠2015年春茶上市囉,茶源來自大溪阿姆坪自擁生態茶園,堅持自然農法耕作,全程無使用化肥、農藥、香料、色素,在地老茶廠精製。「青心甘綠茶」採自初春第一道嫩葉,茶湯色澤碧翠,滋味鮮爽,含豐富海苔清香。今年逢旱產量有限,70g罐裝有300罐,售價$490,120g補充包有250包,售價$780/包,四月17日開賣售完為止,歡迎前來試喝品茗,並有茶點招待會員。接受預購請直洽老茶廠03-3825089或丁處長0926265526或上官網訂購 http://www.daxitea.com

Posted by service on 2015/4/8 13:20:00 (3543 reads)

如再有新政令,屆時再行通知。 訪客來廠前歡迎來電確認。03-3825089

Posted by service on 2015/4/2 15:10:00 (14833 reads)

Pond of Stillness_A secluded garden to while away the time,follow your thoughtsBy the side of this clear pond, fragrant companion have been planted, such as bulky sunflowers from a Van Gogh painting, lilies from nostalgic Monet garden. And the entire scene of sky, mountains and blossom is reflected in the quiet pool. Close your eyes and follow your breath, imagine yourself on a gently rocking boat, drifting toward the center of the pond.Pu’er Tea Wall – Intriguing as old wine559 wheels of Shaiqing Mao tea, the mother of Pu’er teas from the mysterious land of Yunnan are stacked up against the wall in testimony of the unique cultural heritage of the manual fermentation process of the classic tea factories of Kunming. With this traditional technique, the tea’s original bitterness is gradually turned into a deep and sweet taste. You won’t tire soon of these rich, round flavors.Pu'er Tea Wall - Black and white Zen minimalismClassic black and white, straight horizontal lines, a wall of 737 tea bricks—this understated venue will certainly please tea connoisseurs with a penchant for modern design. The black brings calm and reserve, while the white adds elegance and openness. The pleasant scent of the wooden floor interestingly mingles with the timeless tea aromas served here. As a black-and-white crossroads, where the ancient and the modern intersect, this old restyled residence achieves a natural balance of simplicity. The texture of the tea brick wall, the Zen spirit, and the charming old tea factory combine into a truly unique atmosphere.

Posted by service on 2015/4/1 15:00:00 (15760 reads)

Drying zone – Roaming the world through books
Every trip has a special significance, a healing quality, and so does reading. Tea, books, craftwork inhabit this quiet beautiful and open space. Allow the tea to warm the bottom of your heart, enjoy the peace quiet as your read or scribble. Only one rule applies here: leisure does not need justification.Tea Book Cabin – Peace and beauty, life and tea
The sunrays seems tipsy, and the music fleeting, in this bright yet quiet place. Slow down your step here; inhale the smell of books, the scent of a hundred teas. Capture the clouds in your cup, pour out the seasons into your bowl, and tease out the full richness of the tealeaves and life.Scribbling books – Give free rein to your creativity
Close your eyes and set your imagination free! Don’t be shy. Pick up a brush and paint your joy and sorrow, playful and uninhibited as a child. Just do it. Sketch away!

 Posted by service on 2014/12/17 10:30:00 (3511 reads)

※ 茶包網袋、棉線及掛牌材質皆選取天然玉米澱粉製成,且採大豆油墨印刷,天然、無毒、環保可分解,讓您喝得健康又安心!

a.青心甘綠茶(立體茶包) : 嚴選農林銅鑼無污染茶園之嫩芽茶菁,保有其碧綠原色,沖泡後茶品呈現自然原味。入喉清新,蓄含海苔淡香,茶韻鮮爽,回甘漸進

b.蜜香紅茶  (立體茶包) : 栽種於農林自擁三峽、三義茶園之茶菁,經小綠葉蟬著涎後,茶質具天然蜜果香氣。茶湯豔紅、滑順,盡釋甘甜,耐久泡不苦澀

c.東方美人茶(立體茶包) : 農林三義、銅鑼茶園得天獨厚的自然生態,孕育小綠葉蟬生長的環境。茶芽經著涎後採收,以傳統重發酵製成,茶水飄散獨特蜜果香氣,口感溫潤不生澀,滋味清雅,後韻綿長

冷泡茶方式:撕掉茶包上的標籤與棉繩,再將茶包投入300cc冷水壺中,放入冰箱冷藏約8小時,取出茶包後即可飲用。 (茶包可依個人喜好增減,請勿浸泡超過24小時)

※ 喝冷泡茶的好處
1. 茶葉冷泡後可減少茶葉中茶丹寧酸的釋出,在品嚐時可減少茶葉的苦澀味
2. 冷泡可降低茶湯咖啡因含量,可減緩對胃的刺激,因此敏感體質或胃弱者均適合飲用
3. 冷泡茶保留茶葉中的「兒茶素」、「茶多酚」等物質,可幫助維持消化機能,使排便順暢 

 Posted by service on 2014/12/9 13:06:09 (3486 reads)

產品簡介農林公司自產的銅鑼老欉文旦,今年仍是在白露後才採摘,雖過了中秋但風味口感最佳,以天然糙米醋古法釀造自然熟成,放置的愈久、風味愈是香醇。不添加任何人工或化學添加物,柚香濃郁,口感清爽,富含文旦全果完整精華。容量 : 375ml / 瓶
建議售價: 280元柚香又美味DIY食譜 a. 蜂蜜柚子醋
30-50cc柚子醋加3-5倍冷開水稀釋後,以蜂蜜調味,冷藏後風味猶佳  b. 柚子蘇打水
取500cc杯子,加入1/3杯的冰塊,倒入1/3杯柚子醋,再將雪碧加滿,用攪拌棒調合成醋飲果汁,滋味獨特  c. 和風柚子沾醬
   白芝麻10g、冰糖10g、醬油膏10cc、味霖10cc、數顆蒜仁放入100cc柴魚高湯熬煮,煮開後靜置,待冷卻後加入50cc柚子醋拌勻,適合各式料理:如火鍋、烤物或烤肉等沾醬,美味、低卡又解膩   d. 過菜解味飲
將10cc柚子醋加入3~4塊冰塊,在轉換菜餚時,先行飲用,更能吃出新菜餚的口感 e. 柚子油醋
以柚子醋、橄欖油1:1,調製成油醋醬 貼心小叮嚀 ● 請勿使用熱水稀釋,避免破壞果醋酵素,可依個人濃淡喜好加入冷水調整比例
 ● 柚子醋建議餐後飲用,不宜空腹,避免傷胃
 ● 天然文旦釀造,若有沉澱物屬自然現象,請安心食用 歡迎舊雨新知好康道相報,每瓶均附提袋,送禮自用兩相宜,訂購專線03-3825-089,或至大溪老茶廠線上購物訂購。

Posted by service on 2014/3/27 22:30:00 (3165 reads)

桃園民宿周年慶 4月住宿5折起 還加贈4大景區好禮 桃園縣民宿發展協會於去(102)年3月26日成立,迄今已滿一年,成立以來配合桃園縣政府各項重大旅遊行銷活動,積極協助桃園地區民宿業者爭取曝光,以提高知名度。為答謝旅客一年來的支持,特於4月舉辦周年慶活動,除了住宿下殺五折外,還加贈由小人國主題樂園、大溪老茶廠、角板山行館咖啡、民宿協會共同推出的4大景區好禮。此外,民宿協會將進一步整合行銷桃園民宿,推出以遊程為主題的官網,提供旅客更深度的服務,發掘桃園之美,官網中可下載剛出爐的「旅行桃園˙體驗民宿」摺頁、及4大景區好禮優惠券,詳情請參閱活動網站http://www.tclahome.org.tw/。桃園民宿協會也將參加3月28~31日於世貿舉辦的台北春季旅展,結合桃園縣政府攤位展出,歡迎民眾於春季旅展期間前往桃園民宿協會攤位,讓民宿主人為您規劃只屬於您的北橫之旅。周年慶優惠資訊(103年4月01日至4月30日止) 住宿優惠: 住宿下殺5折起,詳細業者折扣資訊請上http://www.tclahome.org.tw/好禮一:小人國主題樂園:持於桃園縣民宿協會活動網站之優惠券,至小人國主題樂園現場購買2張門票,贈PARTY鋁箔氣球乙顆。好禮二:大溪老茶廠:凡於活動期間持民宿住宿憑證至老茶廠即贈送茶廠特選茶禮一份(每日限量50-100份,送完為止)。好禮三:角板山行館咖啡:凡持協會相關DM至行館咖啡即享受9折優惠。好禮四:拉拉山風景特定區:凡於活動期間入住風景區內参加活動民宿即贈送夜間觀星盤(送完為止)。以上活動詳情請參閱活動網站 http://www.tclahome.org.tw/ 

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